Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 221: O Sleep, My Dear Companion...

Sleep.  It's possibly my favorite 5 letter word in the whole English language. 

Today, I had no set plans.  I didn't plan on leaving the house.  I didn't have anywhere I had to be.  So I was looking forward to FINALLY getting this IRB application of mine filled out.

Unfortunately, my body had other plans.  By the time it was 3:30pm, I had already taken two 3 hour naps.  I didn't want to take the naps necessarily; I was tired and knew that to try to stay awake would be a wasted effort.  So needless to say, the IRB application did not get filled out.

I've struggled with low energy for well over a decade.  I've had all kinds of tests done; I even had a sleep study done when I was around 20 (turned out I had sleep apnea; sometimes I wonder if I still do).  Yet nothing gives me or anyone else an Aha! moment where we can point to that and say, "THAT'S why you have low energy a lot of the time."  So when I don't know why I have low energy, it's very easy for me to blame myself for it.  "If only I tried harder.  If only I fell asleep more easily."  And on and on and on.

Today, after my 2nd nap, I decided to try NOT judging myself for my sleepiness.  "Did I choose to be tired?  No.  Did I choose to take naps?  Yes, but that's because I was tired."

I feel like I'm FINALLY ready to stop judging myself so much.  I judge myself for everything.  You know, I don't even know if I know why I do it.  It's just such a habit that I stopped questioning it.  Until now. :-)

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