Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 219: A Zero Goal Day

Oh my gosh, how I think the above statement is the story of my life lol.

So, today I had absolutely no goals for the day.  Some people might think that's a good thing, or at least not a bad thing.  Me?  A no-plans-day scares the crap out of me.  Because it's SO easy for me to just do absolutely nothing.  I mean, obviously I have to do SOMETHING, but at the end of the day, if someone were to ask me what I did all day, I wouldn't really have a good answer.

So today started off pretty rough.  By the time it was 3:45pm, I had already taken a 3.5 hour nap.  And I had woken up at 10am, it's not like I woke up at 6am.  I just was really tired.  And that's never a good thing.

Luckily my friend Lani wanted me to go over to her place and take care of her dog for a couple of hours.  So I gladly did that because it at least gave my day some sort of purpose.  And then I went out for dinner with my friend Justin.  And that cheered me up immensely because he came up with the best name for our student group ever:  SASS:  Super Awesome Skeptic Society.  I think it's PERFECT because the word "awesome" is my favorite word ever.  I use it several times a day.

And now I'm at home, posting to my blogs.  I still have 3 hours or so before I'll go to sleep.  Oh, and I did read a good amount today, so yay :-)  And that is pretty much what I'll be doing the rest of the day.

So the point of this entry is to say that I failed at coming up with any goals for the day.  And although the day sucked for a while, it got much better towards the end.  So yay.

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