Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 189: Me? Drunk?? Never!!

Literally.  I cannot get drunk.  Or maybe I have a misunderstanding about what it means to be drunk. 

You see, regardless of how little or how much I drink, I either feel nothing or I feel awful.  There's no feeling good part. 

But tonight, I was in Florida with friends, so I thought to myself, "What the hell, I'll give this drinking thing a try."  So I had a Smirnoff Ice, 2 shots of the above drink, and 2 other drinks.  And I felt something, but it wasn't drunk.

There is one thing about not getting drunk.  Okay, two.  It saves me a lot of money because it causes me to rarely drink.  And another is that I don't kill as many brain cells and do as much damage to my brain as I would if I drank more often.

This is a case where failing = good.

1 comment:

  1. Since you don't like drinking very much you should use that to your advantage and charge people to be your DD. Charge cheaper than a cab so it works in everyones favor! You have fun AND make money :)
