Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 22: A Birthday Party

Today's challenge involved going to a friend's birthday party.  How could going to a friend's birthday party be a challenge?  When you are a chronic worrier and have an active imagination, it is definitely possible to think that you might fail while going to a birthday party.

What if I don't have fun?  What if there's so many people that there's nowhere for me to sit, and I start to feel claustrophic?  What if I'm not in a good mood and have a terrible time?  What if no one REALLY likes me and they don't want me to be there? (that last one was the result of a kind of emo week)

I sucked it up, got out of bed, and went to the party despite all of these worries and fears.

Result:  I had a GREAT time! And all of these worries and fears of failing by not having fun at the party did not come to manifest as true. 

I am silly.

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