Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 246: Con Crud

"Con crud is the general term for any illnesses picked up during a convention . . . .  It's entirely common to leave Dragon*Con with a cold, the flu, a norovirus, or Swine Flu . . . . The resultant illness tends to be called con crud." -from a random website

I caught the Con crud.  It was very interesting--I distinctly remember this--it was Saturday night around 1145pm.  My friend Don and I were walking to the parking garage so we could go to our places of residence and sleep for the night.  While leaving the Hilton hotel (or was it the Hyatt?), I felt a sore throat come on all of a sudden.  One second it was there, and the next second it was not.

At that moment I knew that I had it:  The infamous Con Crud.  I managed to escape its powers in both 2009 and 2010, but alas, I was powerless to it this year.  I felt not so good Monday, and I felt not good at all on Tuesday.  It's now Wednesday, and I still am sneezing and coughing and stuff, but I feel okay other than that.  I'm really good at doing not much when I'm sick, so I am recovering fast.  Yay.

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