Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 71: A New Weekly Exercise Goal

For a while, my exercise goal has been to exercise for 30 minutes or more, 5 days a week.  After consistently NOT meeting this goal, I decided to change the goal to 3 hours of exercise a week, whether it's 30 minutes or an hour or whatever amount of time needed in order to reach that goal. 

Result:  I didn't reach my goal this week.  I procrastinated exercising until the last 3 days of the week, and because I was doing new workouts that I hadn't done before, I got quite sore and was not able to complete 3 hours of exercise during the last 3 days of the week.

I learned quite quickly that is far smarter for me to spread the 3 hours out rather than try to cram it in at the end of the week.  Technically I could do it, but I can't be super sore and be able to function at the same time.  Hopefully I learned my lesson!

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