Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 146: Letter Writing

I have been a fan of writing letters to friends (or whomever) for years.  However, for the last couple of years or so, I have gotten to be very lackadaisical with my letter writing.  For literally months now, I have been telling myself to write my friend KC.  And yet I keep putting it off.  Why??  Because I'm very much afraid of writing a bad letter.  How is it even possible to write a bad letter?  Well, to me, it is very possible.  I'm also afraid of writing emails and replying to comments made on my online journal.

I'm afraid that I will have nothing interesting to say, or that I won't be able to think of a good reply, or that my reply will be nothing compared to the original letter or email or comment.  I know that may sound silly or stupid, but it's the truth.  I'm deathly afraid of being a boring or not insightful person.  And so that keeps me from replying to emails or letters or what have you in a timely manner. 

I guess the only way to break this fear is by just doing it instead of procrastinating about it.

I will write my friend.  Some day.

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