Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 270: Blasphemy Rights Day

Today was International Blasphemy Rights Day, a day started by the Center for Inquiry after the whole Mohammed cartoon debacle that happened (I think) 3 years ago.  It's a day to celebrate free speech and be grateful for the fact that we here in the United States can show and create images like the one shown in the picture above without fear of being killed for it.  Not all countries have that freedom, so it's a day to bring forth awareness of that fact and to work towards free speech for all.

So, I decided to hold an event for Blasphemy Rights Day at my school.

Result:  We had posters with different prompts on them, such as "School is...," "God is...," "Homosexuality is...," and students could come up and write whatever they wanted.  It was really fun to see what people would write, and some of them were quite funny.  No one wrote anything hateful or mean or anything like that, which was interesting.  Most of the people that wrote on our posters had similar viewpoints as our student group.  Not a whole lot of people who are "opposed" to our group approach us, even though we are there for anyone to come talk to us. 

I didn't know how the event would go, but overall, it went really well, and it was fun :-)

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