Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 158: Pasta

I.  HATE.  TO.  COOK.  I know I say this all of the time, but I really really do hate to cook.  I would rather be doing anything else because for me, cooking is the least productive thing ever.  Then again, I have always had a negative relationship with food, so the less time I can spend around food, the better. 

Anyways, I got home late tonight from a meeting, and I was hungry.  I had gotten some pasta in a bag things from my school for free.  All I had to do was boil some water, put the pasta in the water, and let it sit for 3 minutes.  I took a can of tomato sauce and heated that up.  This took let's say about 15 minutes.  Not a lot of time technically, but when I'm hungry, I just want to get eating over with. 

So the point of this story is that I actually LIKED what I "cooked."  I was not expecting much.  And I know that this is not really a fail.  But I know it's really sad when you're proud of yourself for making some pasta that only takes 3 minutes to cook in boiling water!!! 

I am (almost) determined to have a better relationship with food as my goal for next year.  But I still have 6 months to decide about that.

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