Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 49: A Weird Day

Today was a very weird day, especially during the evening.  I met two friends at a Taco Mac.  Except I drove to the wrong Taco Mac.  My friend had even put in a text message which one they were going to, and I still drove to a different one.

Then, when I got there, my brain was just not working.  They would ask me a question, and I wouldn't understand what they said.  At least they said I was really good entertainment for the night!

Then, I had ordered a bean burrito.  I don't eat meat.  Two different employees repeated back to me "bean burrito."  I take one bite and think to myself, "I should look inside just to make sure it's bean."  It was beef.  Luckily I hadn't swallowed it yet, so I spit it out, and they got me a bean one.

Result:  I failed at a lot of things that evening, particularly with anything that required me to use my brain.  It was just really weird, and I was afraid to drive to Atlanta after that. (I made it there okay.)  And at least I was good entertainment for my two friends :-)

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